Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Misunderstandings and Gender Differences Essay

In the movie â€Å"The Bachelor† released in theaters in 1999, Jimmy (Chris O’Donnell) makes his wedding proposal to Anne (Renee Zellweger) by saying â€Å"You win! † as he offers her an engagement ring. Anne muses with utmost disappointment and surprise. When she gets hold of her breath, she then accuses Jimmy of ruining everything – the hotel restaurant’s romantic ambience, the view, and the music. Jimmy argues that what he did was just to propose. For him, his statement was just a simple expression of his intention to marry Anne as he felt that he was compelled to do so. In Anne’s point of view however, Jimmy’s marriage proposal was offending – it is as if he was not really ready to be married. As a result, she walks out on him. Such conversation is a common example of the misunderstandings that stem from differences in gender. This is in line with what Deborah Tannen proposes in her book, â€Å"You Just Don’t Understand! †. According to Tannen, men and women have different conversational styles. Since people from different genders have different points of views and conversational styles, misunderstandings happen. Such claim is much agreeable and very noticeable in day to day conversations, not just in America, but also in other parts of the globe. In this paper, the researcher will affirm this argument of Tannen by citing supporting details such as the genderlect theory of Tannen, arguments between â€Å"rapport† and â€Å"report† talk, and their varying interpretations of interruptions in conversations. The researcher will also provide examples which can be readily observable in day to day interactions. In Tannen’s Genderlect theory, she notes that the two sexes have different styles of communication which is pretty much comparable to the interaction between two people coming from different cultures. To a certain extent, she has equated gender with culture. In her book, Tannen claims that â€Å"Boys and girls grow up in what are essentially different cultures, so talk between women and men is cross-cultural communication. † (Tannen, 1990, p. 18). Basically, she argues that men and women grow up in different worlds – where â€Å"worlds† here refer to psycholinguistic situations. For example, it can be noted that when girls are growing up, they tend to interact best through the establishment of friendships with other women. They pattern their communication styles through the intimacy that they get from their mothers and their best friends. Technically, they communicate well with people whom they can best identify with. A girl’s prime motivation to communicate is to form relationships and establish closeness and confidence. On the other hand, boys grow up and learn to socially communicate in groups where they are nurtured to become tough and strong – seemingly relieving themselves of intimacy and focusing their conversations on status maintenance. They play in groups where they can compete and boast. Boys are more inclined to initiate conversations with people they have just met in order to establish their sense of status and compete for diversity. Such gender differences in learning and growing up are best demonstrated in the toys and role plays that boys and girls adapt as they grow up. Most of the time, girls would like to play with dolls and play houses where they can assume the role of a mommy and then pretend that they are caring for their baby. They then establish intimacy by actually practicing it through role playing. As for most boys, they would rather play with toys – remote controlled cars or bicycles that they can use to race against each other, and/or engage in activities where they can show their superiority through physical built, strength, or skills i. e. basketball, baseball, etc. They establish their craving for supremacy through competition and rivalry and hierarchical roles within a group depending on the outcome of the contest. As such, by growing up in two different scenarios, boys and girls develop different cultures. Thus, gender interaction becomes a cross-cultural interaction. And, like any form of interaction between people across two different cultures, most men and women are finding it difficult to adapt to each others differences in order to enhance their sensitivity and improve communication and intimacy. As noted by Tannen, men see the world as a venue where â€Å"a hierarchical social order in which they are either one-up or one-down† exists. For them, there is always â€Å"a question of gaining the upper hand. † As for women, they see the world as â€Å"a network of connections† where the â€Å"conversations are negotiations for closeness and people try to seek and give confirmation and support, and to reach consensus† (Tannen, 1990, p. 25). Another factor that contributes to the emergence of misunderstandings between men and women is their differences in conversational styles – primarily the tendency of women to engage in â€Å"rapport talk† as men diverge into â€Å"report talk†. Basically, rapport talk refers to conversations that are designed to improve and build relationships. This type of conversations results to statements which are polite and friendly – even appeasing and pacifying. When women talk, it is more likely that they are asking for someone’s approval or more so, advice. On the other hand, the report talk refers to the communication style where the main intent of the person is just to deliver information and accomplish tasks at hand. Such type of statements demonstrates dominion and authority because they often sound like commands and orders. Tannen further explains that women use rapport talk as they often engage in â€Å"private speaking†. Such is best shown in what is dubbed as a ‘girl talk’ where women share stories so they can match experiences, explore similarities and differences, and create a special bond with each other. Only when two women have engaged in a serious ‘girl talk’ about their personal lives can they usually regard each other ‘friends’. As they share more about themselves through more rapport talks, they develop a â€Å"common world† (Tannen, 1990, p. 76-77). As for men, they use report talk for â€Å"public speaking†. Tannen notes that they favor public discourse and challenging arguments. In most cases, what they want to do is to get some attention and establish themselves as dominant by proving that they are right or knowledgeable (Tannen, 1990, p. 76-77). This characteristic of men can be observed in small talks between groups of males where their topics of discussion are often wide ranging – from simple mechanic tools to basketball players. As they swerve from one topic to another, a man shows dominance through his ability to carry on with the shifts and showing that he is well versed in a variety of subjects. Technically, because women find men’s report talks offending and men regard rapport talks as irrelevant; this gives rise to many situations where women and men in relationships grow apart. Misunderstanding happens because women would love to engage in intimate talks of relationship building which men neglect; and because men talk in ways that women mistakenly identify as intimidating and offending even when the opposite gender means good. Based on Tannen’s book, another factor that demonstrates how gender differences can cause misunderstandings is the fact that men and women differ in the way they interpret interruption. This is very important because as the author explains, â€Å"Interrupting carries a load of meta messages – that a partner doesn’t care enough, doesn’t listen, and isn’t interested. † (Tannen, 1990, p. 189) In most cases, Tannen argues that men will probably not welcome interruptions because they will equate it to a struggle for dominance. For them, an interruption would indicate that one is trying to lead the conversation and thus, overpowering them. For a woman however, interruptions are regarded as an ordinary part of a rapport talk. Women would welcome interruptions because it shows healthy participation and interaction which can contribute to the formation of an agreement. It also signals that the person might be listening to the conversation. In this regard, it may be important to note that silence would probably harbor a reverse effect on both sexes. In the case of men, they might regard silence as a sign of submission – where they are offered with the total independence that they need: free from instructions, requests, and nags. In the case of women however, silence may be equated to an act of disregard and disrespect. If a wife talks to his husband and his husband refuses to talk or respond to what she is saying, then she would probably imply that her husband takes no notice of her. Following this point of view on interruption and silence, it can be noted that perhaps misunderstandings happen because while men want silence, women demand for interaction. As claimed by Tannen, â€Å"Women and men feel interrupted by each other because of the differences in what they are trying to accomplish with talk† (Tannen, 1990, p. 215). When the growing and contrasting demands of each other finally meet, then divisions or gaps between men and women occur. In conclusion, one can note that misunderstandings among the two genders mostly occur because their directions, motives, and needs in conversations greatly vary. It seems that while men argue for competence, women struggle to maintain harmony. As women demand for interaction and intimacy, men reject them as they search for silence and independence. Thus, in order to establish connections between opposite genders, people should be more sensitive to the differences in communication preferences and styles and try to adapt and accept the existence of such differences. A thorough understanding of these differences can definitely propel effective communication techniques which can result to healthy relationships in the long run. Work Cited Tannen, Deborah. â€Å"You Just Don’t Understand. † William Morrow and Company, 1990

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

China and WTO Essay

Since 2001 the world has witnessed a rapid growth of China in terms of its economy. With the goods having a â€Å"Made in China† label becoming a frequent part of our lives, China paves its way ever on the road to success. The credit to such a boom in the country’s trade (peculiarly exports) goes to one key factor: Globalization. Cognizant of the World Trade Organization’s potential to let China fully practice Globalization, right after its membership of WTO China marked an instance of global significance. Today with the steps of China gradually turning the uni-polar world into a bi-polar one, the analysts of global trade and economy predict China to soon supplant the United States, wholly on the basis of its tenacious economic stand. Initially, this paper attempts to develop a comprehension of rudimentary concepts pertaining to the World Trade Organization, Globalization and China. The paper further elucidates the major argument by a conscientious analysis of China’s practice of Globalization, accession to WTO, different attitudes about a Globalized China and impacts of its WTO membership not only on the country itself but also on the whole world. Introduction: It is a datum of experience that in the scene of modern existence globalization has emerged as an inevitable process. With its instruments like the World Trade Organization, Globalization has profoundly penetrated into the roots of the modern economic system thereby affecting different nations differently. With WTO and economic globalization being in vogue in the business world, what remains the topic of a controversial debate is the entrance of China into WTO. Previously a member with average participation in the international trade, China has established itself as one of the top most economies of the contemporary world immediately after signing the agreement with WTO in the year 2001. As the concerned year marked a celebration for China, it also proved as a sinister for many other nations that had been dominating the international trade before China’s formal stepping into it. With a multifaceted nature of China’s WTO membership, there remain a number of ambiguities in terms of its corollaries on the world and the country itself. Globalization: Before laying the foundation of the paper’s major argument, it is mandatory to comprehend the concept of globalization. â€Å"Globalization is what happens when the movement of people, goods, or ideas among countries and regions accelerates. † In the contemporary world, all the aspects of life are touched by the ravishing presence of globalization. Once comprehended as a mere economic phenomenon involving the flow of goods and services across borders, the term has transcended to reach the exchange of language, culture and relationships among nations† . According to Suarez in ‘Globalization: Culture and Education in the New Millennium’, the commencement and proliferation of globalization coalesces a series of cycles. Of them, the first cycle began in 1492 ending in the early seventeenth century whereas the second cycle embarked in the late seventeenth century. Globalization is often reckoned as an elusive concept keeping under consideration its dual prospects. This multi faceted view is clear in every aspect of globalization. For instance, international organizations like WHO, UNESCO and UNDP are trying to ameliorate the standard of life across the globe by attempts for eliminating poverty, improving health conditions and providing job opportunities etc. Such steps on the part of globalization provide its positive picture attempting to elevate the nations. On the other hand, the instruments of globalization like multinational companies are exploiting the world labour and have become a major source of collapse of many domestic businesses. Wal-Mart is one of the many examples in this concern. Not only feared by the smaller businesses of Non American countries, the domestic investors suffer the same threat. According to an interview (documented in the article ‘Rediscovering Uncle Sam’ of the book ‘Ambassadors of Peace) with the Mayor of Chestertown, Margo G. Bailey told how she has been fighting the Wal-Mart from entering into the small city of Chestertown for almost a decade because the invasion of Wal-Mart would mean a fiasco for the owners of the small businesses in the locality. This means that if globalization is elevating humans, it is equally abusing them. With the ascending power of globalization in the contemporary world, what becomes the reason of its achievement is three facts. First is the globalization’s role in the amelioration of technology. Twenty first century is considered as the hey day of science, technology and telecommunication. The second reason is the provision of integration of people across borders to get acquainted with the foreign cultures. This has specially marked a boom in tourism industry. Thirdly, the concept of free trade as advocated by globalization has increased the capital flow between nations who are now more interested in global trade without being interfered by the state government. Of many forces of globalization, World Trade Organization is considered its key instrument. World Trade Organization: Formed in 1995, World Trade Organization stands as the only hegemonic power ruling the trade in the international business market. WTO started to informally supplant General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) that had been carrying on the same function in the global market since 1947. The working of WTO is based key principles which are available in the form of its written documentation covering almost every kind of activity happening in the international trade. One of these principles is to equally treat all the participating nations in the business market. This means that any policy framed by WTO would be implemented on all the nations alike irrespective of their status in the global market. Another principle of WTO advocates Free Trade which means the elimination of trade barriers like tariffs, regulation or other such measures of protectionism imposed by the government thereby impeding the process of liberal trade or smooth flow of goods and services among the nations. WTO also makes sure the transparency of trade policies by making all the nations cognizant of them through their 2300 paged of agreements providing every term in black and white. In the similar way, the negotiations regarding the policy matters are not made surreptitious thereby making the adjustments open to all the other members too. With a seemingly stringent frame of law, WTO also believes in providing flexibility to the developing countries in order to make their positive contribution possible in the competitive market. According to Article III of ‘Agreement establishing the World Trade Organization’ WTO is responsible for five major functions. These responsibilities involve, 1. Implementation, administration and operation of Multilateral, Plurilateral and its own trade agreements. 2. Providing a platform of negotiations between different member nations regarding their trade policies and agreements. It also assists them in implementing the decided policies. 3. Settling the disputes among the member nations. The nature of such disputes is generally trade-policy based where the WTO serves as an arbiter between the conflicting nations. 4. Facilitating and training the weaker members in order to create a balance in the global economy. For achieving the desired goal, WTO co-operates with World Bank and International Monitory Fund. 5. Monitoring the trade policies that have been implemented and to make possible the aspect of transparency in these policies. China in the contemporary world: It was about two hundred years ago that China was he ruling power of global economy. After years of a sleeping giant, China has rapidly raised its status in the global community in the wake of the last decade. This aggrandizing significance is specially marked in the growing performance of the country in terms of its annual economic performance. This is clear by analyzing the performance of China’s ship building industry. Considered as a poor quality manufacturer around 1980s, it has grown into a ‘bona fide’ world industry today. As a result of this boom in the economy, millions of Chinese previously living at the bottom line of poverty enjoy better standards of life today. For the very reason World Bank believes that â€Å"China achieved the fastest doubling of economic output ever from 1978 to 1987, far outpacing both early industrializers (e. g. , United Kingdom, United States, and Japan) and late industrializers (e. g. , Brazil, South Korea, and Taiwan) alike. It then repeated the feat from 1987–1996† and looks like continuing the same pace in the future to come. To restate, as a result of globalizing process China has doubled the per capita income for three times after 1978. Of the over all augmenting profits, China’s major gains also lie in its textile industry. Reviewing China’s consistent rise for the past many years, many analysts proscribe China most likely to supplant the position of the U. S. by becoming the most powerful economy of the world around 2050 as the former has already caught the high brow of the world. While talking to China Daily, Long Yongtu, China’s former WTO chief negotiator said, â€Å"Because China’s economy is more open, and China’s economic size is much bigger, the world is more sensitive to what’s happening in China. I think in that way China is really changing the world. â€Å"

Monday, July 29, 2019

Econ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Econ - Essay Example The current salary distribution formula gives the player 57% of the revenues. Another problem with the system is that the NBA salary cap is a soft cap. A soft cap allows teams with greater resources such as the L.A. Lakers and the N.Y. Knicks the ability to pay go over the cap and pay additional salaries paid by the owners. The small market teams are seeking a hard cap at a much lower salary base. The owners want a 40% reduction is player salaries. A hard cap would force all teams to spend up to the amount of salary cap. The current salary cap is $58 million dollars. The prices of the salaries are determined by the deal that the player’s union and owners negotiate. The prices of the players are negotiated similarly to what occurs in the corporate world when labor unions negotiate worker compensation with the managers of the firm. The NBA has to reach an agreement by the summer of 2011 in order to ensure there is not a lockout of the season. A lockout would have catastrophic ec onomic effects on the NBA. Players would lose their salaries, the owners would incur in operating losses since fixed cost must be paid without any revenues coming in. The television networks would also lose because they would not have a product to offer to the advertisers.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Toyota Motor Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Toyota Motor Corporation - Essay Example GM is recognized as the largest vehicle manufacturer selling 8.5 billion cars in 2001 while its sales in 2002 accounts for 15% of the trucks and vehicles sold globally (Yahoo Finance 2006). Traditionally, GM's approach in marketing its products is targeting a specific market segment for a specific brand so that the company's products do not compete with each other. These was profitable for the automotive firm as the brand's shared components and common corporate management gave way to a substantial economies of scale while the distinctions between the brands created an "orderly upgrade path." Before 1995, the company has a full range of products ranging from Chevrolet which is offered to an entry level buyer who is more concerned on a more practical and economical vehicle to the upscale Cadillac which is targeted to the elite market as it is regarded as the "standard of luxury (General Motors 2006)." Nevertheless, this strategy did not persist as the GM started to implement a gradual blurring of its divisions during 1995. This strategy leads to cannibalization in the market share of GM as each division competes with each other (General Motors 2006). During 2004, the company has announced a new strategy for its product lines which is apart from the traditional marketing and positioning it employs. This shift in brand strategy is targeted in "building sales, cutting costs, and bolstering brand identity (Garsten 2005)." For Chevrolet and Cadillac, GM is planning to maintain its present strategy of making them high volume brands that offers vehicle in every major segment by having a broad product line up. Buick, Pontiac and GMC will be combined into a single sales channel which offers trucks, premium and near-luxury vehicles and performance models. In addition, these product lines will be trimmed as GM plans to drop some models in this category. Saab is seen to offer exclusive European styled and engineered sedans, crossover and SUV models. HUMMER will continue to manufacture exclusive, premium SUVs and trucks. Lastly, Saturn will be upgraded as this division will offer more upscale models which are styled and engineered to European standards. This product line will be slotted between Chevrolet and Buick (Garsten 2005). Complementing these marketing strategies are three global technology strategies: offering technology which has a real impact and is valued by customer; technology which meets basic objectives of cutting costs to offer competitive prices; and sustainable technology which improves vehicle emissions and fuel economy (GM Global Technology Strategy 2004). Armed with these strategies, GM is geared to conquer the global market in the next decade. External Factors Currently, General Motors Corporation (GM) leads the automotive industry with total revenue of US$192.60 billion during 2005. This is amidst the US$2.6 billion loses incurred during the same year which is due to the weak demand in the North America. Following GM is Ford Motor Corporation (US$178.10 billion), Daimler Chrysler AG (US$177.37billion), and Toyota Motor Corporation (US$162.92 billion). Even though smaller in terms of revenue, it is notable that Toyota recorded the largest net income at US$10.61 billion during 2005 (Yahoo Finance 2006). It is apparent that there is an intense competition between the four largest players

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Generator Protection Measures Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Generator Protection Measures - Thesis Example One of the primary function of a generator is to provide power to a given number of appliances. Generally, generators are used in almost all parts of the world others serving as standby generators in case of power outages. Generators therefore do not operate in an ideal condition but are subjected to failure and other problems. It is therefore necessary to wear protective clothing and take other necessary measures to curb such problems. This problem is also taken care of by the manufacturers by ensuring that they produce machines with high load factor to guarantee the safety of the civilians or the people who operates it in case of failure or during maintenance. Furthermore, after taking care of all the precautions that might occur faults associated with electrical or even mechanical persists. Most manufacturers globally have embraced the use of relays. Fundamentally, relays are electric devices which acts as circuit breakers in case of a problem. It is always standby and when a prob lem of overvoltage occurs it immediately disconnects the power line to the appliances or even disengages and shutdown the generator in order to ensure that machines or other devices do not get damage as a result of power disruption. Digisilent software is principally one of the most applicable software in generators. It is the most convenient software to use owing to its several advantages like general functioning incorporation, wide range of modelling in terms of distribution and transmission which produce the best analysis. In order to eradicate some outages in the generator, it is recommended to use Digisilent software to achieve maximum protection as far as electrical or mechanical faults are concerned. Thermal protection is one of the most fundamental aspect of safety that must be undertaken. It is carried out to reduce the impact of overheating.

Business Consultant Proposal for formulating costing & pricing (Cost Essay

Business Consultant Proposal for formulating costing & pricing (Cost Cutting) of a Private Hospital - Essay Example Nafees has tie ups with various medical centres from where they get updated results related to various development in medical field. In this regard, the business that is dealing in hospital, should not only concentrate on generating profit, but also look towards taking care of the sick people. Though the business of hospitals is purely based on dedication, patient care and compassion but like other business they also look for generating revenue. The flow of revenue not only affects the delivery of service related to patient care, but also for the financial health of the organization. In order to generate revenue it is very important for the business to identify its expenses. The major expenses that the hospital incurs are research and teaching, labour cost, test and technology, liability costs and other supplies and capital expenses. Research and teaching: Hospitals conducts research and teaching facilities in order to make their services better and make their employees serve the patients better. This helps the hospital in upgrading themselves and provides modern facilities and techniques to the patients. Therefore, huge expenses are incurred in this. Labour Cost: Labour cost is the most significant expense that is incurred by each and every organization and hospital is not an exception in that case. The employees of a hospital include the directors, doctors, nurses and other official and administrative staffs. The salary and benefits are also huge in this regards, which is another major expense for the hospital. Technology and Tests: Advanced technology helps the doctors not only in diagnosing critical illness but also curing these. New arthroscopic equipments, surgical robots and CY scan are some of the modern technologies that are there in hospital. Capital expenses: the hospital may also incur expenses related to construction work related to expansion of the hospital and procuring of equipments. These are

Friday, July 26, 2019

Film Analysis on Product Development (of the film Kinky Boots) Essay

Film Analysis on Product Development (of the film Kinky Boots) - Essay Example Showing him wearing rubber shoes on his way to London signifies his lack of enthusiasm for the shoe production business. His relocation, together with his fiancà ©e, was to his liking as he wants to get away from his family’s business as soon as possible. But the unexpected death of his father forces him to move back to Northamptom and lay off his workers when he figured out there is no way for him to save the company. There was just not enough market for the shoes they are producing. The four generations that proudly carried on the tradition of Price & Sons over the years was on it last days when he entered the picture. Even his father was already set on selling the factory before his death. On an accidental meeting with drag queen Lola, Charlie was hit with an inspiration to create as he described it, â€Å"proper, good, decent, built-to-last boots† (Joel). As it was that men of their persuasion are forced to buy women’s shoes that are not sturdy enough to withstand the weight of a full size man. Drag queens have very specific needs and wants that women’s shoes do not have. The heels break and their feet would hurt as their weight is carried on their feet that are not supported with proper footwear. The brilliant idea of changing the product of Price & Sons hit Charlie and propelled him to do something to save his family’s company. â€Å"You exploit divergence to create a new category, and the expansion of that new category allows your brand to flourish† (Ries and Ries). This revolutionary marketing idea is one that was apparent in the movie ‘Kinky Boots.’ They were more than the first to take advantage of the marketing niche. They were able to create a new category that was distinguishably new in the shoe making industry. There was no other shoe company that specializes in selling shoes that are made for drag queens who prefer women’s design but are also be fabricated accordingly. With the concept, Charlie

Thursday, July 25, 2019

12 YEARS A SLAVE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

12 YEARS A SLAVE - Essay Example Additionally, the movie talks about the life of an enslaved educated Black man called Northup who later in life turned to abolish slavery in Louisiana. It is a fact that, many Black people have been killed and many have fought back against discrimination and sexual exploitation and these were the martyr’s who should be remembered according to Copleand. In the author’s eye, solidarity and unity is still a big issue for black people as they are mostly struggling to gain respect and acceptance within the white community. The book and film both tells us that, if one looks at history, many black people had taken the courage to fight for their rights and their effort should be taken as guidance by our community. In fact, black people are as valuable as white person from a religious perspective. In her book (Copeland,2010,pg.113) â€Å"Copeland’s theological anthropology assiduously reveals a carefully developed understanding of historic black bodies in relation to the body of Christ† The author in her book recommends that the history of martyr’s should lead the people to fight for solidarity and peace among each other. In the same way, the movie â€Å"Twelve Years of Slave† is a powerful one which communicates to the audience the life of a black slave. The movie is based on the book written by Solomon Northup where the experience of him as a slave is recounted. He was an educated man and stood firm against racial bias of white men in those times. This man can be taken as a role model as he was an educated and free man till his adult times but later turned in to freedom fighter for the slave community in Louisiana. His life was unusual as he was black person who got kidnapped and sold into slavery where he spent twelve long years in pain. Northup can be seen as a martyr as explained by Copeland and should be followed by new generation to find peace and solidarity in their

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

IMF (International Monetary Fund) from 2007 to present using Research Paper - 1

IMF (International Monetary Fund) from 2007 to present using international business perspective - Research Paper Example But, with changing world scenario, various European countries, Japan as well as emerging economies like India, China, Korea, etc. have reduced the dominance of USA as they are following the same footprint (Hill, 2010). For example, share of FDI of the companies of developing world have increased from less than 1 percent in 1980 to as high as 15 percent in 2008, while the share of USA based companies have declined from near 40 percent in 1980 to 18 percent in 2008(approximately) (Hill, 2010). The political scenario has also changed in this changed economic situation. The political dominance of US is no under great threat in this increasing market economy. Many European countries that were Communist earlier and Some Asian countries have undertaken democratic politics and stressed on building free market economies. Hence, international businesses are getting more and more opportunities to enter these economies that have in turn strengthen these economies. (Hill, 2010) In this globalized world, importance of global institutions has increased significantly in maintaining order in various economical and political fields. IMF is one of such institutes which hold an important position in this changing economic and political environment. In fact, it is helping this process of change by its policies. IMF is responsible for maintaining order and stability in the international monetary system. The performance of international businesses to a large extent depends on the operation of international monetary system. If this system operates properly, then, the risks associated with international business operation reduce significantly. This paper will place its focus on some important issues relating to IMF policies and its scandals since 2007 as IMF activities is closely related to the performance of international businesses. (Hill, 2010) Since 2007, a number of issues relating to IMF activities is worth mentioning

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Operations Management and Business Development Essay

Operations Management and Business Development - Essay Example In this management style, all the employees and management work together as a group so as to harmonize operations such as deciding what should be invested in to the operation arrangement such as workforce, material, apparatus, power and how these resources can be easily be acquired and used to ensure that finished products meet the requirements of consumers Over the recent past, Avon Mill toys has faced competition in it field of operation hence getting the urge to expand to other fields so as to offer a diversity of product and be able to stand the current economic crisis amid competition. Some of the effort that is underway includes trying to sell their product over the internet, an idea that has suffered several drawbacks in terms of rejection by its representatives (Galloway et al 2000). Avon has used direct marketing to make its sales and this has been very effective though the current increased use of the internet is giving competitors an upper hand as they can reach a wider range of clients. The companies efforts to sell their products over the internet has faced rejections from representatives as it could lead to loss of jobs or the company could loose that direct customer relationship (Grassley 2008). A big question is whether Avon can afford to remain competitive by direct marketing or by inventing another way to increase its sales Over the past years, Avon has relied on direct marketing as a major strength to promote and sell its goods. The company has been in the lead for providing toys to the customers directly and the developments in communication have suddenly changed the company's major strength into a very large obstacle. Any innovations intended to increase the company's sales above direct sales faces opposition from sales repetitive. There is a lot of competition emerging from other companies offering alternative and substitute products. For this reason, Avon Toys has to come up with a strategy that will be cost effective and of sharing promotion and branding expenses in all the company's markets has helped to cut down the operation costs. Avon has also involved in marketing its product over popular medium like the television and movie theatres thus increasing customer base covered. Avon is determined to provide everyone with high value toys that are innovative and in the process also provide financial independence to the general population like employing sales representatives (Galloway et al 2000). The toy company has targeted to reach a lot of people if not everyone with their product in the global market hence help in improving the quality of live by the products they offer. Under operational management, it is very important to focus on the corporate objectives of firm which means that the company's supply of raw materials, manufacturing process and marketing strategies should be harmonized to reduce incidences of misunderstanding, delays and process failure (Grassley 2008). The operations strategy should provide the company with the capacity to compete in the UK market especially the Avon Mill toy Company. The operations framework includes the following steps; 1. Defining the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Changes in the Marketing Environment Essay Example for Free

Changes in the Marketing Environment Essay In recent times, from an economic environment perspective, people are getting more affluent, even in third world countries like Vietnam, the younger generation are more interested in spending on the latest fashion and gadgets, like iPods. Phone marketers might want to include phone designs which allow for self-expression, hence catering to the younger people seeking to carve out their own identity. For example, young girls in Japan like to stick many shiny crystals on their phones as they see it as a form of beautiful art. Phone marketers can cash in on this growing trend by offering phones which have suitable surfaces for crystal gluing, and they might want to also consider having a tie-up with a suitable bead company in order to have a package selling the crystals together with the phones. An important marketing strategy in catering to the changing political environment would be cause-marketing. It is by cause-marketing that phone marketers can reassure the public that they are socially responsible, even in the midst of increasing unethical behaviour existing in society. Cause marketing might be the determining factor which might set a phone or a brand of phones apart, especially if customers have the same perception of 2 brands of phones and are undecided which to choose. Phone marketers can follow Motorola’s lead whereby they produced a red â€Å"razr† phone to promote awareness of aids, which was highly successful. Another important marketing strategy is for the marketer to observe the changing demographic forces and decide which target group they can focus on in order to make the most profits. Quite a few countries in the world are facing an aging population, like Japan, China and Singapore. This might be a good target market to go into, by manufacturing phones which are suited for older people like by having larger screens and more user-friendly buttons. Technological forces are constantly changing, and a good marketer would be able to foresee what kinds of functions people might want in their phones. Marketers might want to research about what form of entertainment is capturing people and cater to these needs. Sony Ericsson realised that music was slowly becoming an integral part of people’s lives, no matter what age and produced the walkman phone series which was highly popular. The path to success and its maintenance depends very much on a phone marketer’s resellers and suppliers, hence phone marketers should engage in tie-ups with them both. A phone marketer’s resellers normally consist of telecommunications companies.  Marketers can offer to sell their phones at a lower price to these companies, and in exchange, persuade them to offer more attractive or cheaper line subscription packages when customers purchase the phones of the marketers’. Marketers should constantly source for more efficient and cheaper suppliers and sign a long-term contract with them. Marketers might also want to consider suppliers based in China or India, as labour in such countries is known to be one of the cheapest, yet efficient, in the world. Lastly, marketers should always keep an eye out for competition and continually check on other phone marketers’ strategies and phone pricing. Marketers should also be aware that competition not only lies with other phone marketers, but in any company that has to do with providing entertainment or convenience to people. For example, Apple is not a phone manufacturer, but it is beginning to slowly capture the phone market due to its iPhone. Phone marketers might want to produce phones which have the capability to rival such phones, or if they are unable to do so run a major advertisement campaign to promote their phones against other rival phones, so as to hopefully mould the public’s thinking into their liking. Alternatively, phone marketers can also liaise with major entertainment companies like Apple or Creative to work together to produce quality phones or gadgets to capture a major share of the phone market.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Essay Example for Free

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Essay SARS is a highly contagious ailment, whose indications closely resemble those of influenza. Some of the symptoms of SARS are chills, headaches, muscle pains, sore throat and high fever. As the disease continues, there is an onset of pneumonia, which can prove to be fatal. In this context, the World Health Organization had estimated that fifteen percent of the cases of SARS infection proved to be fatal. This disease has defied all attempts at a cure; moreover, there is no vaccine for this disease. The SARS virus underwent a mutation, which enabled to cross the species barrier from animals to people. SARS is a respiratory illness and the symptoms of this illness are fever when the virus infects the human body. Normally the temperature of the human body of an infected person would be in excess of 100. 40F. The infected person develops chills and symptoms like headache, discomfort and body pains. In addition, there could be mild symptoms of respiratory distress in the beginning. Within two to seven days the patient develops a dry and nonproductive cough. The nonproductive cough would result in insufficient supply of oxygen to the blood. Some patients could even require the administering of clinical ventilation. SARS is a contagious disease and it spreads through the droplets that issue forth from a person who is coughing or sneezing into the air, if that person has been infected by the SARS virus. The primary manner of transmission of the virus is through the air or from objects that are contaminated with the virus (TARGET SARS Target II SARS/CoV 3CL-PRO). In 2003, an outbreak occurred of a previously unrecognized illness – termed SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. It was caused by infection with a newly identified coronavirus, SARS-COV. Infection produced an illness with Pneumonia as the main disease; however, some patients developed other complications like the loss of appetite, diarrhea and bleeding in the abdomen or stomach. Many of those who developed this disease were health-care workers and the infection rate among them was very high (SARS. Blacks Medical Dictionary, 41st Edition. CredoReference ). Extraordinary and exceptional isolation procedures had to be necessarily adopted because the Epidemic threatened to spread all over the world from its origin in Hong Kong. Some of the measures adopted, in order to reduce the risk of the spread of this infection was the concentration of patients in individual hospitals, which were converted into isolation units. Visitors were not allowed into such hospitals. Staff and other patients who had been exposed to persons suffering from this disease were segregated in such special units. Further, routine care for in patients in the hospital was discontinued and screening of likely contacts was conducted. In addition, a number of restrictions were imposed on travel. Due to this strategy, which had been performed in coordination with the World Health Organization, the SARS pandemic was finally controlled (SARS. Blacks Medical Dictionary, 41st Edition. CredoReference ). The virus genome on careful analysis revealed that this virus was a recombinant of virus relating to bird bronchitis and a virus relating to mouse hepatitis. It takes between two to ten days for the symptoms caused by the SARS virus to become noticeable after the infection takes place. With the increasing age of the patients there is a corresponding increase in mortality rate and proves to be fatal in approximately half of the patients whose age is above sixty years of age (SARS. The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia including Atlas CredoReference). In the month of November 2002, the first incidence of SARS infection was discovered. This was in a place that was close to Foshan in the Guangdong province of southern China. However, this disease caught the attention of the people in the month of February 2003, when it spread globally due to air travel by infected persons. In the month of February 2003, Carlo Urbani, who worked for the World Health Organization in Bangkok, was asked to go to Hanoi in Vietnam, in order to treat an industrialist, from the US, who showed symptoms of an unknown disease. In this manner, Carlo Urbani became the first person to identify this disease as a new disease (SARS. The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia including Atlas CredoReference). Several scientists, especially those from Canada, were successful in establishing that this new SARS virus belonged to the family of the coronavirus. This disease spreads to other persons, if the victim is located very close to an infected person who spreads this disease by coughing. Further, this disease spreads to people who enter a place in which infected people have deposited exhaled droplets of phlegm or other fluids in their body. Moreover, infection with this disease occurs if contact is made with door handles and similar objects that have contaminated droplets on their surface. Furthermore, it is possible to get infected with this disease if a person enters an enclosed place like a lift in which contaminated droplets are present. Eight thousand victims of SARS were identified by the end of is outbreak in the year 2003. Out of these SARS victims, seven hundred lost their life. The maximum damage due to this virus took place in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. In Toronto, Canada there were one hundred and forty cases of such infection and twenty five of such infected persons died. In Singapore, there were around three hundred instances of this infection and out of these thirty persons lost their life (SARS. The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia including Atlas CredoReference). In the year 2003 scientists were successful in discovering the gene that made the human body prone to infection by the SARS virus. While studying the human leukocyte antigen or HLA proteins, they realized that the variation in a gene that produces the HLA-B*4601 protein was common in the South China population. This was the area of origin of the SARS virus and people with this gene variation displayed a reaction to the SARS virus that was greater in severity in comparison to those who did not have this particular gene variation. Moreover, SARS infections are very rare in people who do not possess this HLA-B*4601 gene variation. Most of the people who belong to Taiwan and Europe do not have this gene variation (SARS. The Hutchinson Unabridged Encyclopedia including Atlas CredoReference). At the time of the rapid spread of SARS, the World Health Organization sent out a global alert in which it asked the people to mask their face in public places, to avoid air travel, to thoroughly check airplane passengers for increase in body temperature and to quarantine infected persons. A number of scientists are engaged in developing a vaccine for this disease. However, this disease was controlled by the beginning of the year 2005 and does not exist anywhere in the world, except in the laboratories (SARS. The Crystal Reference Encyclopedia CredoReference). SARS has defied all attempts at a cure and there is no specific vaccine for it. This has restricted the treatment to reducing the severity of the symptoms shown by the patient and treating any side effects of this infection (SARS in full severe acute respiratory syndrome. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia CredoReference ). It is now common knowledge that in the year 2003, in Guangdong province of China, the first occurrence of this severe atypical pneumonia was observed. The epidemic was suspected to be associated with a new virus and subsequently, researchers isolated an avian influenza A (H5N1) virus from a patient in Hong Kong. Researchers focused on members of the Paramyxoviridae family since some particles were detected by the process of electron microscopy of respiratory samples from patients in Hong Kong and Frankfurt (Peiris, Chu and Cheng). Subsequent investigations revealed that the human metapneumovirus or hMPV existed in SARS patients. Researchers in China had detected the Chlamydia organism in patients who had died due to atypical pneumonia during the outbreak of SARS in Guangdong. However, these organisms were not present in patients outside China. In the month of March 2003, researchers in the United States, Hong Kong and Germany found traces of a previously unknown coronavirus in SARS patients. This discovery was in different ways and some of these methods included isolation on cell culture, demonstration by electron microscopy, demonstration of specific genomic sequence by polymerase chain reaction or PSR and by the use of microarray techniques and the indirect immunofluorescent antibody tests (Peiris, Chu and Cheng). In this context, the World Health Organization announced on the 16th of April, 2003, that the coronavirus had not been discovered in humans and animals till that date and that it was a new virus, which was the cause of SARS. Before announcing the discovery of this new virus, thirteen laboratories in ten countries tested this new coronavirus in accordance with the postulates of Koch, which is essential to prove that this new virus causes SARS. This virus causes interstitial pneumonia that shows symptoms that are similar to SARS, and the virus was isolated from the nose and throat of infected monkeys. The corona viruses belong to the family of Coronaviridae. This family consists of very large, positive – sense single – stranded RNA viruses, which replicate themselves in the cytoplasm of the animal host cells (Siddell, Wege and Meulen). The gene factors of corona viruses range in length from 27 to 32 kb, and are the largest of the RNA viruses. The diameter of the virions ranges vary from 100 to 140 nanometers. Most of the viral particles bear the distinct appearance of surface projections and these spikes extend to twenty nanometers from their base. In animals, corona viruses cause extremely virulent respiratory, enteric and neurological diseases. They also cause hepatitis, respiratory diseases that are temporarily prevalent and widespread in animals and gastroenteritis having short incubation periods between two to seven days. The symptoms revealed in SARS are the same (Holmes). Corona viruses are species – specific and when they attack immunocompetent hosts, their infection extracts neutralizing antibodies and cell – mediated immune responses, which in turn kill the infected cells (Holmes). Most of the corona viruses cause terminal diseases in animals such as feline infectious peritonitis virus or FIPV, hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis or HEV of swine and some strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus or IBV and mouse hepatitis virus or MHV. They replicate themselves in the liver, lungs, kidneys, gut, spleen, brain, spinal cord and other tissues (Holmes). Human corona viruses HCoVs were found to cause minor diseases. They are found in group 1 known as HCoV – 229E and group 2 known as HCoV – O43, and they cause minor respiratory problems (Makela). Sometimes they cause severe infections of the lower respiratory tract in children and adults and a condition termed as necrotizing enterocolitis in newborn babies. They can survive on normal environmental surfaces for three hours and they are transmitted among humans by droplets, hand contamination, fomites and small particle aerosols (Ijaz). The Coronaviruses produce Coronavirus Main Protease protein or 3CL – PRO. This protein helps the virus to replicate itself and thereby spread the infection. In order to stop the infection, it is essential to bring about a disabling of the protein from working and this would consequently, contain the virus production and the attendant infection. Therefore, researchers had concentrated on producing a drug that would hinder the functioning of the 3CL PRO protein. With the achievement of this breakthrough, pharmaceutical companies started to prepare drugs that would hinder the functions of the 3CL – PRO protein, which is responsible for the multiplication of the virus and the resultant SARS infection. Ritonavir and Indinavir are the major ingredients of the anti – HIV drugs. The Coronavirus Main Proteinase is the principal drug that is used in the treatment of SARS (TARGET SARS Target II SARS/CoV 3CL-PRO). The HIV virus and other viruses that cause influenza on infecting people have been described as wily because of their characteristic of mutating rapidly. This trait helps them to obtain immunity from antiviral drugs or from the human immune system. However, the SARS virus has not been undergoing mutation. Clinical examinations of the genome sequences of fourteen isolates from patients in Singapore, Toronto, China and Hong Kong did not establish any mutations of the original sequence and it can be concluded that the SARS virus is invariant. However, this notion that SARS virus does not mutate or fails to mutate cannot be taken for granted since the virus did not face significant resistance from human hosts (Knight). Coronaviruses are not so active in the replication of their genetic material and as a result they make one error for every ten thousand nucleotides that they replicate. This is similar to what the HIV virus does. Coronaviruses have a significant characteristic that helps them to reject mutations as and when they occur. These viruses have an enzyme that enables them to replicate their genetic material and spreads among several copies of the viral genome instead of being restricted to a single template of the genome. The result of this is that each genome is copied from multiple templates. This procedure reduces the chances of mutations in the populations of the coronavirus (Knight). The enzyme that brings about the copying of the virus functions in such a manner that instead of using just one template genome it accesses several such templates and this results in a drastic reduction in the possibility that any particular mutation will dominate in a viral population. Moreover, such haphazard template access can entail an inaccurate access by the enzyme (Knight). The consequence of such access by the enzyme would be the deletion of some portion of an essential gene, which could produce results that would be drastic, particularly, if the mutation affects the protein spikes that are bound to the surface of the viruses’ cellular victims. In 1984, there was an outbreak of a new ailment on European farms that were rearing pigs. It was determined to be a mutant of the coronavirus, in which the altered spike protein had effected changes in respect of the type of cells that could be invaded by the virus. Although, this mutant did not prove to be fatal, all the same it has spread globally and made the diagnosis of gut disease more difficult (Knight). It is assumed that genetic deletion was responsible for the SARS virus to find a new target, namely, the human body, from its previous animal hosts. In that case the mutation could be of a totally different type due to the fact that the spike protein has remained unaltered. While comparing with the viral strains present in the animals sold in the Chinese markets, it became evident that the SARS virus does not have twenty nine nucleotides in the gene for a protein whose function could not be determined. This protein was found to be appended to the inside of the protective layer of the virus (Knight). The WHO spearheaded the battle against SARS and was extremely successful in uniting the global community in combating this menace. Dr Carlo Urbani became a martyr in the battle against SARS. This disease demonstrated that there are several dangers that could surface when least expected to do with terrifying results (SARS: how a global epidemic was stopped). Within a short period of seven months, around eight thousand people were infected by this disease in twenty nine countries. 1755 persons were infected in Hong Kong and of these 299 succumbed to the disease. This disease had a serious psychological effect on its victims and it was established that such effects persisted for long periods after the disease had been cured. Several studies conducted a month after patients had been discharged revealed that thirteen to thirty two percent of them were suffering from moderate to severe anxiety and that eighteen to twenty six percent had moderate to severe depression. Another four percent were found to be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD (Lee). The spread of SARS had a number of economic, political and sociological ramifications, due to extreme demands made on the countries, in which this disease was prevalent, by the WHO. Some of these demands were related to a curtailment if not the rescission of economic activities like trade, tourism, and investment. Despite SARS occurring mainly in Asia, its effects were experienced in almost every major market across the world. This epidemic brought about a tremendous increase in medical expenditure and travel. In addition consumer confidence and investment reached their nadir (Political Influences on the Response to SARS and Economic Impacts of the Disease).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Cyber Terrorism A Global Menace Criminology Essay

Cyber Terrorism A Global Menace Criminology Essay A female American cartoonist, Jeff Smith stated, The threat is there, its very real, If we have a Unabomber who desires to launch an attack with an PC instead of a bomb, there could be a great deal of damage . Computers and the internet are an essential part in modern society undoubtedly. They make our life more convenient as well as enhance our living quality. As the role of computers is tremendous, it stimulated criminals and terrorists to make it their preferred tool for attacking their targets. This kind of modern crime is called cyber terrorism. This transformation in the methods of terrorism form traditional methods to electronic methods is becoming one of the hottest issues in the modern society. Cyber terrorism is a form of terrorism which the criminals use computers and the internet as a medium to commit crimes. Issues surrounding this type of crime have become high-profile, generally those including hacking, computer virus, computer worms and e-mail related crimes. We can easily observe the cases of cyber-related crimes are rising on news, even in local or other countries. In my point of view, Cyber Terrorism is an inevitable phenomenon in an advanced society. The intentions of cyber terrorists using cyberspace as a channel to commit crimes can be defined in different ways. Many people assume that the objective of cyber terrorists are only focus on computer hacking, they only commit crimes through internet. They generally regard that their intention to commit cyber crimes is only for steal data and violate peoples privacy. However, there are another reasons for the criminal to commit cyber crimes. Dorothy Denning stated that Cyber terrorism could also become more attractive as the real and virtual worlds become more closely coupled, with automobiles, appliances, and other devices attached to the Internet. As the cyberspace has the ability to affect an abundant amount of people at one time, its the effective way for criminals to commit crimes through internet with different intentions and purposes. On behalf of explaining the purpose of cyber terrorism, the criminals can be politically intended hacking operations, their purpose is to cause tremendous harm to the society such as loss of life or economic damages. Second, the behaviors of the criminals can be unlawful attacks and threats of attack against computers, networks, and the information stored therein when done to intimidate. Third, the criminals coerce a government or its people for the political or social objectives. Forth, cyber terrorism can be a physical attack that ruins computerized systems for critical infrastructures. (Such as the internet, water supply and telecommunications). Except for the above objectives of Cyber Terrorism, some authoritative organizations also have their own definition on the term of it. The U.S. National Infrastructure protection Center defined cyber terrorism as A criminal act perpetrated by the use of computers and telecommunications capabilities, resulting in violence, destruction and/or disruption of services to create fear by causing confusion and uncertainty within a given population, with the goal of influencing a governme nt or population to conform to particular political, social or ideological agenda. Now we can have a thoroughly understanding of why the terrorists choose cyberspace as a medium to commit crimes. The forms of cyber terrorism are multi-faceted, cyber terrorists use various tools and methods to achieve their purposes. The first mean is hacking. Hacking refers to all forms of unauthorized and illegal methods to access a computer system or a network. Some people are underestimate the harmful effect .Here is a terror example showing the seriousness of hacking. Jimmy Sproles and Will Byras once stated that A British hacker wanted to know what kind of chaos could be caused by penetrating the hospital computer, he hacked into a Liverpool hospital in 1994 and changed the medical prescriptions for the patients. Unluckily, A patient was killed by an overdose of penicillin after the hacker broke into the hospital computers and altered his prescription. The other form of cyber terrorism is Computer Viruses. It is generally a computer program that can infect other computer programs by modifying them in such way as to include a copy of it. They are spreading faster than theyre being halted. Some people are underestimating the harmful effect of computer virus, they think that the virus can only affect the performance on the personal computer, it wont post threat on other aspects. In fact, the virus are very dangerous and its harmful effect are massive. For example, the hospital life-support computer system being stopped by virus could be lethal. In addition, Computer worms are also a typical tool for Cyber terrorism. It is a self-contained program that is able to spread functional copies of itself or its segments to their computer systems. A worm named WANK(1989) infected many computers on a network. If this worm found that it had system privileges, it would change the system announcement message to Worms against Nuclear Killers!.Additionally, Cyber Terrorism are also included some E-mail related crimes. The convenient, ease and speed of email has made it a preferable tool for criminals. The email related crimes are mainly email spoofing, email bombing, threatening ema ils, defamatory emails. Also , its a powerful tool for criminals to spread virus and worms. Criminals are increasingly designed to steal information silently without any noticed by the victims. It is expected that mobile devices are prevalence in our daily life, there may be increasingly targeted victims for attack by the criminals in future. Cyber terrorism can bring negative effect to the individuals, society and even the entire nation tremendously. The actions of criminal hackers are non-stopped all around the globe. They try hard to exploit vulnerabilities in software, violate peoples privacy, steal information, and even shut down computer network malevolently. Lost of properties, being violated of privacy and personal data are the results of hacking by the criminals. Their personal computers will also be infected by virus and worms, it may harm a computer systems data or performance. For the society, criminals could pose serious threaten to the operation of business and governments .The threat is factual, increasing and already has proven costly. Cyber attack ranging from I LOVE YOU virus to the Trinco and the worms RamenLion and Crade Red have cost an estimated $5 billion US dollars. According to Coleman, K. (2003) the internet being down for just one day could disrupt nearly $6.5 billion worth of transactions. Lewi s, J (2002) also states that the Love Bug virus is estimated to have cost computer users around the world between $3 million and $ 15 million. In 2000, A hacker was able to control the computer system that control the flow natural gas through the pipelines in Russia. In 2002, hackers broke into the U.S. Justice Departments website and replaced the departments seal with a swastika, dubbed the agency the United States Department of Injustice and filled the page with obscene pictures.Also, the terrorists might crack into an air traffic control system and take over the complete direction of multiple airplanes. The air collusion between airplanes or crashing an airplane into a building are just two possible results of this action. Cracking into a citys traffic system could have disastrous results. The other possibility of traffic jams and traffic accident would be occurred and its consequences are very serious. The above cases and examples show that the cyber terrorism could seriously af fect the social stability and public security of ones country. Some people may under-estimate the influences of cyber terrorism, they regard the criminals are only targeted on some individuals and business, it wont post a menace to the entire nation. By the way, cyber terrorism can not only affect a specific community of people but the entire nation. Richard Clark once marked They (computers) run our electric power grid, out telecommunications network, they run our railroads, our banking system, and all of them are vulnerable, at some level, to some degree to information warfare, or cyber-terrorism, By the use of the internet the criminals can affect much wider damage than one could kill people. For example, they can destroy the economy of the country by attacking the critical infrastructures in the big towns such as electric power or water supply. Verton, D (2003) points out that the members of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) were planning to blow up and destroy six key electric su bstations in London (2003). Had the IRA succeeded in their goal, they would have disrupted power to major portions of London for months at 2003. This example would have been a terror attack and would have threatened the citizens of London. Also, the criminals can post a menace to the security of the nation by targeting the sensitive and secret information by stealing, disclosing or destroy the system of national defense. The menace of cyber terrorism is measureless, its influences is profound, its target can be anyone, it is invisible but exist somewhere around us. It may occur anytime and anywhere all round the world. The criminals could seriously threaten the operation of business and government even the entire nation. As we all know, the capacity of human mind is inscrutable, the methods and tools using by criminals of cyber crimes are changed with each passing day .It is impossible to eliminate the cyber crime from the cyber space. The existence of cyber terrorism can not be denied in the advanced society. Cyber Terrorism is without doubt an inevitable phenomenon in the advanced society. Just like what Daniel, H. mentioned that One of the hot areas right now is tracking down cyber crime and cyber terrorism. The modern world is declared to be a global village, collective efforts should be done across the nations by the governments, business and individuals in order to rectify this worsening situat ion. Word Count : 1628

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Graves Disease Essay -- Disease, Disorders

Graves’ disease was named after Robert J. Graves, MD, around the 1830’s. It is an autoimmune disease indicated by hyperthyroidism due to circulating autoantibodies, which is an antibody that attacks the person’s own body. The immune system attacks the thyroid gland, which causes it to produce too much thyroxine. Thyroxine is a hormone that helps control growth and also regulates metabolism in the body. While the thyroxine levels are high the patient’s metabolic rate increases, which can have an effect on their physical appearance as well as their frame of mind. Graves’ disease is the number one cause of hyperthyroidism in the U.S. There are many signs and symptoms of Graves’ disease. Symptoms of Graves’ disease include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, tiredness, irregular or accelerated heart rate, and sensitivity to heat. Sign of Graves’ disease are tremors in the hands and fingers, weight loss, brittle hair, goiter, menstrual cycle changes, and more frequent bowel movements. People with Graves’ disease also report having symptoms of Graves’ opthalmopathy, also known as thyroid eye disease. This can include bulging of the eyes, itchy eyes, red eyes, sensitivity to light, and swelling around the eyelids. More severe cases of opthalmopathy include corneal ulcers, double vision, blurred vision, and restricted eye movements. According to a journal published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, â€Å"Smoking greatly increases the risk for Graves’ opthalmopathy. Among patients with Graves’ opthalmopathy, smokers had more severe eye disease than nonsm okers. Smoking also appears to be one of the multiple factors inducing Graves’ disease in genetically predisposed individuals.† One more sign of Graves’ disease, though it is no... ...ring that it is not known what causes Graves’ disease to occur, the fact that there are so many treatment options is astonishing. Works Cited Christian Nordqvist. â€Å"What Is Graves’ Disease? What Causes Graves’ Disease?† Medical News Today. MediLexicon, Int., 6 Nov. 2009. Web 10 Mar. 2012. Sai-Ching Jim Yeung, MD, PhD, FACP. â€Å"Graves’ Disease† emedicine.medscape. 30 Sep. 2011. Web 10 Mar. 2012 Dr. Asha Thomas. â€Å"Treatment of Graves’ Disease† Baltimore Sun. 19 Oct. 2009 10 Mar. 2012. Mark F. Prummel, Wilmar M. Wiersinga. â€Å"Smoking and Risk of Graves’ Disease† The Journal of the American Medical Association. 1993 10 Mar. 2012

Friday, July 19, 2019

Examine Miller’s presentation of John Proctor :: English Literature

Examine Miller’s presentation of John Proctor and the Circumstances which lead to his choosing to be executed. Although the events of the play are based on events that took place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, Miller was liberal in his fictionalisation. For example, the affair between farmer, husband, and father John Proctor, and the Minister’s teenage niece, Abigail Williams, drive many of the accusations of witchcraft in the play – in fact at the time of the Witch Trials, Williams would only have been around eleven and Proctor would have been in his sixties. The play, written in 1953, was in response to Senator McCarthy and the ‘House Un-American Activities Committee's’ crusade against supposed communist sympathisers, in which Miller became embroiled. When he testified in front of a congressional committee in 1956 he refused to reveal any names and so was held in contempt. The decision was overturned two years later. One of Miller's most powerful devices in the play is his use of irony: dramatic, verbal, and situational irony. Verbal irony is a figure of speech in which the speaker intends to be understood as meaning something that contrasts with the literal or usual meaning of what he says. One example of this is when John Proctor says ‘Good. Then her saintliness is done with’, mentioning Abigail. However, Proctor does not actually believe that Abigail is a saint. The affair makes her a sinner, because he is married to Elizabeth. However, he says this line because the rest of the town, and most importantly, the courts believe that she is believable and truthful. In effect, he tries to convince the court and the people of her â€Å"unsaintliness†, by bringing to their attention her sins, but to no avail; this is one of the most important circumstances which lead to his choosing to be executed. Another example has Proctor telling his wife ‘It’s winter in here yet.’ However, it is actually spring, as in the same dialogue he asks her to go walking in the field with him so that they may pick flowers and bring them into their home. Proctor really means to tell his wife that their home is cold, that there is no sign of love. He believes that when his wife fills the home with warmth and love, he is forgiven for his sin of lechery, and only then can he continue normally with his life. By using this type of irony, Miller’s characters indirectly bring something to our attention, which could not otherwise be done. Situational irony is a discrepancy between what we expect and what occurs. This is the second type of irony used in the play.

Capital Punishment Essays †An Eye for an Eye -- Argumentative Persuas

Capital Punishment Essays – An Eye for an Eye Life is a precious gift from God. Even when a person has no material possessions, life is still possessed. In light of these observations it is logical to assume that murder, the taking of another's life, is the most heinous of crimes. Undeniably, penalties imposed upon criminals should match the crimes committed. Therefore, the worst crime possible, murder, should receive the worst penalty possible, death. One argument against the death penalty is the Bible tells us not to murder. Murder is the unlawful killing of one human being by another. The death penalty is the lawful killing of a human being after a trial by peers. So by definition the death penalty is not murder, but justice. Furthermore, as stated by Ed Koch, a former US Government official, "the execution of a lawfully condemned killer is no more an act of murder than is legal imprisonment an act of kidnaping". Finally, the sam...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Genetics of Organisms lab report

Measuring only a few millimeters in length, fruit flies take up a fraction of the room of other organisms such as fish or rats that have also been used in such research. The flies are small enough to be compact, yet large enough to be seen in great detail under a dissecting microscope. Due to their size, cost of food and space to house them is extremely low, making them easily accessible to schools and laboratories every. Veer. The entire life cycle Of the fruit fly is a mere 30 days, 7-12 days of which are spent maturing. 2-15 hours after eggs are laid, larvae emerge for 4 days to grow and feed on toting fruit (which their eggs were laid on) before undergoing a 4 day metamorphosis after which they are adults. The rest of their adult lives are spent eating and mating (Fruit Fly). Females are able to mate as soon as 12-18 hours after the 4 day metamorphosis. Differentiating male and female flies is quite simple; males (left) have sex combs which look like small black dots on their fro nt legs and have fewer dark lines across their abdomen.Females (right) are typically larger and have dark stripes across the abdomen and have an ovipositor extending from the lower abdomen (Lab Seven). Today, fruit flies are being used in stem cell research of gremlin cells. These highly vital gremlin cells become gametes and carry on the evolution of a species. Researchers at the university of Utah have been studying how germ stem cells protect themselves from becoming somatic cells using fruit flies.It all began in 1 922 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology where Ruth Lehmann discovered a gene she named â€Å"Oscar†. Oscar is responsible for adding a vital protein to the plasma of the germ stem cell that when inactive inhibits the production Of germ cells. When it is turned on, germ cells are produced and kept as stem cells through â€Å"extreme transcriptional repression†. During this process, DNA is inhibited from being transcribed to RNA which in turn means no gene expression.This research is delving into the specifics of stem cells which are suspected to hold treatments for many diseases (Scheduler). While our lab wasn't investigating the mechanics of stem cell development, we studied the inheritance of traits though generations of flies. Our objective was to see the different patterns of inheritance that genes can take. To have exults as close to expected as possible we kept temperature, food and light constant throughout all tests as controls and let the mating and passing of traits be the variable.Keeping all other factors constant we hypothesized that if cross A showed monophonic inheritance it would have a 1:2:1 ratio, dibber crosses would have a 9:3:3:1 ratio and sex linked inheritance would show a ratio of inheritance. Materials Fruit Flies (Drosophila Melanomas) Cross A: Sepia female x Wild male Cross 8: Vestigial female x Sepia male Cross C: White female Wild male Colored tape Petri dishes Fruit fly blue media Flyway Plastic vi als (with foam stoppers) Microscopes Paint Brushes Funnels â€Å"Morgue† Ice packs Procedure 1.Obtain a vial of Fl generation flies (either cross A,B, or C and make sure to label the vials as such). The first objective is to remove the flies from the vial without having them fly away. To prevent this, wedge a wand that has been dipped in fly nap between the foam stopper and the vial so that it reaches into the vial to anesthetize the flies. To help immobilizers them, placing the vials in a cool location or on an ice pack can help to calm them as they are Elian on environmental factors. 2.After the flies have been anesthetized, remove them from the vials and place them in Petri dishes with labels matching the vials they came from to avoid confusion. To remove the immobilizers flies from the vial, it is important to be gentle and avoid crushing any flies. The majority of the flies should fall from the vial when it is inverted, but to remove any that are left, a paintbrush can b e very useful to move them without causing them any harm. 3. Once the flies are in Petri dishes, place them on ice packs to prevent the flies from waking up during counting.Place the ice pack and Petri dish under a dissecting microscope. With the help of the microscope, record the sex and phenotype of all flies. To maneuver the flies within the Petri dish, use a paint brush to avoid harm. The characteristics of sexing flies is described in the introduction on page 2. 4. Once the flies have been sorted by sex and phenotype, prepare the vials for the PA generation. Mix equal parts dry food and water and let it set in the vial. Make sure to label the vial with the phenotypes of each parent of the cross. . Once the vials are prepared, begin placing in pairs of male and male flies into the correctly labeled vials. Use paint brushes for moving flies if necessary. Cap these vials and place them in a warm area. These flies will mate and produce the IF generation 6. After the IF vials have b een sitting for approximately 10-12 days, remove the adult flies. By this time the flies will have mated and the female will have laid her eggs. Removing the adults will prevent Fl flies from mating with IF offspring.To do this, carefully use Nap (technique as described in step 1), being aware that fly larvae are more sensitive and may be fatally harmed by â€Å"over-napping†. Remove the flies by inverting the vial and placing the adult Fl flies in the â€Å"morgue† (a jar containing alcohol or baby oil). Then close the vial and allow it to sit for another 12-15 days. 7. After 12-15 days have passed, record the sex and phenotype of all adult flies. As described in steps 1-3 Flyway will be used to anesthetize the flies before they are removed from the vials to be put into Petri dishes for counting.Once all of the flies have been counted and recorded, place them into the â€Å"morgue† and dispose Of all vials. Rest Its Fl Results: Cross A -? Wild Male x Sepia Fema le E – Wild eyes e – Sepia eyes Cross B – Sepia eye normal wing male x Wild eye vestigial wing female beef x Beef Fee Beef Sepia eyes e F – Normal wings f – Vestigial Wings Cross C -? Wild male x White female Exe x EXE Exe Exe e – White eyes IF results: Cross A – Wild male x Wild female Chi-square Analysis Phenotype # Observed # Expected (o-e) (0-e)2 (0-e)2/e Wild eyes 256 260 -4 16 . 615 91 87 4 . 1 83 Chi-square Value . 25 Null Hypothesis: If a monophonic cross is performed between two fruit flies that are both heterozygous for eye color, the expected offspring counts would be in a 3 wild: 1 sepia ratio and would have a chi square value less than 5. 99.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Impact of the Construction Industry to Its Nation

Abstract twirl celestial sphere and whirl activities be considered to be virtuoso of the major sources of scotch addition, ontogeny and sparing activities. social structure and locomotiveering ser delinquencys manufacture campaign an important fiber in the sparing uplift and cultivation of the farming. It potbelly be regarded as a utensil of generating the job and whirl job opportunities to ane million million millions of un ingenious, semi-skilled and skilled action array. It too plays key enjoyment in generating income in deuce dinner dress and informal sphere of influence.It supplements the foreign exchange dough derived from trade in plait somatic and engineering run low. Unfortunately device sphere is superstar of the near neglected orbits in Kenya. Although the manifestation firmament has only a 2. 3 per cent share in gross domestic product, its share of the operateed compass force was disproportionately large at 6. 1 percent in F Y07. The winding sphere of influence is estimated to induce grown by 17. 2 percent in 2006-07 as against 5. 7 percent of last year.The higher necessity for wind workers is in any shield reflected in a continued double-digit rise in their yield since FY05. Their wages increased by 11. 1 percent in FY07. Keywords device Sector, gross domestic product, causative Relationship, Co- consolidation. 1. Introduction The anatomical structure industriousness plays an innate subprogram in the socio sparing cultivation of a country. The activities of the labor hire with child(p) signifi dopece to the achievement of depicted object socio- scotch ripening finishs of providing al-Qaida, sanctuary and profession.It includes hospitals, schools, townships, offices, ho expenditures and other buildings urban infrastructure (including water supply, sewerage, 280 drainage) highways, roads, ports, railways, airports power systems irrigation and agriculture systems telecommunication s and so forth It deals with all stinting activities showed to the creation, renovation, revivify or extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvements of an engineering nature. Besides, the edifice perseverance generates substantial role and supplys a harvest- clipping impetus to other spheres finished backward nd front linkages. It is, innate in that respectfore, that, this vital activity is nurtured for the healthy growth of the preservation. The main purpose of this depicted object is to devour whether growth in whirl intentness actually ca enjoymentd the scotch increase or, alternatively, did scotch expansion ardently contri exclusivelye to wind growth instead? 1. 1 institution(a) Distribution of twirl Output and trading sphericly, turn industry is regarded as cardinal of the largest fragmented industry. An estimate of annual planetary braid unspecificning is probably appressed to U.S $ 4. 5 trillion in 20041. The edifice ind ustry is excessively a bang source of exercising generation offering job opportunities to millions of unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled work force. Global picture of crook issue and battle in growing and developed countries open fire be seen in table -1 below. It batch be seen from the table-1 that total pull return worldwide was estimated at just everywhere $3,000 billion in 1998. Output is intemperately concentrated (77 per cent) in the high income countries (Western Europe, north America, Japan and Australasia).The contribution of low and lay income countries was only 23 % of total world complex body part railroad siding (ILO Geneva2001). The info in employment situation table 2 tells a rather different bill so far as employment is feared. It suffer be seen that there was an redundance of 111 million social organization workers worldwide in 1998 and just about of them were in the low- and middle-income countries. The distribution of structure employment i s, in fact, almost the strike reverse of the distribution of railroad siding. The high-income countries produce 77 per cent of global aspect return with 26 per cent of total employment.The put down of the world (comprising low- and middle-income countries) produces only 23 per cent of output but has 74 per cent of employment (ILO Geneva2001). 1 Source engineering science News Record, ground forces 281 1. 2 expression Industry in Kenya The caparison and reflexion vault of heaven in Kenya plays an important role in underdeveloped nub providence and reducing unemployment. It provides substantial employment opportunities as it contributes through a higher multiplier effect with a host of well(p) forward and backward linkage in the thrift.The sector through linkages affects about 40 building stuff industries, support investing and growth climate and helps reduce meagreness by generating income opportunities for poor household. It provides jobs to about 5. 5 per cent of the total employed labor force or to 2. 43 million persons, (2. 41 million male and 0. 2 million female) during 2003- 04 ( scotch Survey 2004-05) Unfortunately the construction sector is one of the most neglected sectors in Kenya. It is at low ebb, which can be judged from the fact that per capita consumption of cement in Kenya is one of the lowest among the developing countries. 2.Literature Review bodily structure in some(prenominal) country is a complex sector of the sparing, which involves a kind range of stakeholders and has wide ranging linkages with other areas of activity such as manufacturing and the use of materials, energy, finance, labor and equipment. The contribution of construction industry in the amount of money thrift of a country has been addressed by a number of researchers and valuable literary productions available on the linkage amid construction sector and other sectors of the economy. some(prenominal)(prenominal) researchers conclude that the co nstruction sector has strong linkages with other sectors of the discipline economy.Hirschman (1958) first delimit the concept of linkage in his work The Strategy of scotch Development. He show the significance of unbalanced growth among accompaniment sectors of the economy as opposed to a balanced learning of all interrelate economic activities (Lean, 2001). Park (1989) has confirmed that the construction industry generates one of the highest multiplier effectuate through its extensive backward and forward linkages with other sectors of the economy. It is stated that the importance of the construction industry stems from its strong linkages with other sectors of the economy (cosmos Bank, 1984).However, interdependence in the midst of the construction sector and other economic sectors is not smooth (Bon, 1988 Bon, 1992). Strout (1958) provided a comparative inter-sectoral outline of employment effectuate with an emphasis on the construction. goon (1965) and Ball (1981) addressed the employment effects of the construction sector as a whole. Many studies (Fox, 1976 Bon and Pietroforte, 1993 Pietroforte and Bon, 1995) use the strong direct and total linkage indicator to exempt the blending role of the construction sector in the interior(a) economy. . 1 Construction Industry and matter Economy Construction activities and its output is an integral part of a countrys national economy and industrial teaching. The construction industry is a good deal seen as a driver of economic growth especially in developing countries. The industry can mobilize and efficaciously utilize local anesthetic human and material resources in the development and maintenance of hovictimization and infrastructure to promote local employment and improve economic efficiency.Field and Ofori (1988) stated that the construction removes a noticeable contribution to the economic output of a country it generates employment and incomes for the people and therefore the effects of c hanges in the construction industry on the economy occur at all levels and in virtually all aspects of life. This implies that construction has a strong linkage with many economic activities, and whatever happens to the industry depart this instant and corroboratoryly influence other industries and ultimately, the wealth of a country.Hence, the construction industry is regarded as an essential and highly visible reader to the process of growth (Field and Ofori, 1988). The significant role of the construction industry in the national economy has been highlighted by Turin (1969). On the seat of cross theatrical role of info from a large number of countries at discordant levels of development, Turin (1969) argued that there is a positive family kinship surrounded by construction output and economic growth. Furthermore, as economies grow construction output grows at a faster rate, anticipate a higher proportion of gross domestic product.In a recent article Drewer returns to the construction and development debate. Using information for 1990 similar to that assembled by Turin for 1970, he shows that global construction output has become increasingly concentrated in the developed market economies. He goes on to argue that this refreshed evidence does not support Turins propositions. The issue of concern here is whether the construction sector and the nub economy are fragmented or mutually dependent, and whether construction activity contributes to economic growth and /or vice versa.Studies have shown that the interdependence between the construction sector and other economic sectors is not atmospherics but changes as the nations economy grows and develops 2. 2 Tools for Measuring medium of Linkage Two analytical gumshoes, which most widely utilize for measuring the potentiality of the linkage, sector vise economic effect and production interdependence and to essay economic human relationships, are (i) Leontiefs (1936) Inputoutput epitome and ii) The vernal econometric methodological analysis developed by Engle and granger Bon (1988) is one of the few researchers who applied the concept of Leontief input-output ground substance to the construction industry. He considered the inputoutput proficiency to be ideal, for it provides a poser with which to study both direct and validating resource utilization in the construction sector and industrial interdependence. He also found that the inputoutput tool can be used for studies of the construction sector in three broad aspects employment creation potential, role in the economy, and identification of major suppliers to the construction industry.Rameezdeen et al, (2006), also used input283 output table to analyze the significance of construction in a developing economy and its relationships with other sectors of the national economy. With the popularity of the new econometric methodology stand fored by Engle and Granger, many modeling studies related to economic and financ ial issues have applied this new technique to analyze economic relationships. immature (1997) applied the Granger origin see to gibe the relationship between gross domestic product and residential and non-residential investing, using quarterly national income and gross domestic product information for the period 19591992.His results showed that residential enthronement causes, but is not caused by GDP, while non-residential investment does not cause, but is caused by GDP. He concluded that housing leads and other types of investment lag the business cycle (Lean, 2001). Tse and Ganesan (1997) is also used the same econometric technique (Granger causality taste) to determine the causal relationship between construction bleeds and GDP using quarterly Hong Kong information from 1983 to 1989. They found that the GDP leads the construction flow and not vice versa. 2. Research Objective The objective of the present paper is to examine the specific lead lag relationships between construction flow and gross domestic product (GDP). For get holding this goal we entrust use annual selective information for construction sector and economic GDP of Kenya from 1950 to 2005. Granger causality methodology is commonly applied to investigations on the relationships among money supply, paper prices and inflation, but very few researchers tried the linkages between the construction sector and the aggregate economy using this method.Here we impart use the same approach to identify whether there is a unidirectional or bifacial causal relation between construction sector and economic growth in the case of Kenya. In addition, we will use unit root examinations to examine the stationarity of both serial publication (construction sector and GDP) and co integration test will use to vex out the existence of long flood relationship between these variables. It is a muscular concept, because it allows us to describe the existence of an sense of equilibrium or unmovi ng relationship among two or more duration series, for each one of which is individually non- stationary. . Methodology A undecomposable statistical and econometric analysis will be used to know the ordinary properties of information and to see the relationship among variables of lodge in like construction sector (LCNS) and aggregate economy of Kenya (LGDP). This study uses time series annual data (1950 to 2005) to demonstrate the causal relationship between construction sector and GDP in Kenya. A time series is a sequence of value or readings ordered by a time parameter, such as periodical and yearly readings.When time series data is used for analysis in econometrics, several statistical techniques and steps must(prenominal) be undertaken. First of all unit root test has been applied to each series individually in order to provide information about the data existence stationary. no-stationary data contains unit root. The existences of unit roots make hypothesis test resu lts un reliable. If the data are non-stationary, then frequently stationarity can be achieved by first differencing (Granger and Newbold, 1986) that is, obtaining the differences between the current value and that of the previous period.Once stationarity is determined, structural modeling of the variables or testing for causality can take place. The causality test aims to verify whether historical variations of the construction data follow or precede the GDP. To test for the 284 existence of unit roots and to determine the degree of differences in order to obtain the stationary series of LGDP and LCNS, Augmented Dickey- filled Test (ADF) has been applied. If the time series data of each variable is found to be non-stationary at level, then there whitethorn exists a long run relationship between these variables, LGDP and LCNS.Johansens (1988) co-integration test has been used in order to know the existence of long run relationship between these variables. A series is said to be int egrated if it accumulates some past effects, such a series is non-stationary because its hereafter bridle-path depends upon all such past influences, and is not tied to some mean to which it must eventually return. To transform a co-integrated series to achieve stationarity, we must differentiate it at least once. The number of times the data have to be differenced to become stationary is the order of integration.If a series is differenced d times to become stationary, it is said to be integrated of order I(d). However, a linear combination of series may have a lower order of integration than any one of them has individually. In this case, the variables are said to be co-integrated. The following section presents the results of the simple descriptive statistical analysis and then unit root analysis to study the stationarity of GDP and construction flow. Accordingly, we employ Granger causality methodology to check over the lead lag relationships between the construction flow and the GDP. . 1 Data and descriptive Statistical abridgment The annual data for the period 1950 to 2005 is being used for data-based analysis. Construction industry flows (LCNS) and Gross domesticated Product (LGDP) data in local currency is employed to analyze the high-octane relationship between GDP and construction sector. All the variables are expressed in natural logarithms so that they may be considered elasticity of the relevant variables. We examine the modern-day correlation coefficient and check for the evidence of Granger causality between these two variables.Table-3 presents summery statistic of the data and table- 4 tell us that there is a strong correlation between construction sector and GDP of Kenya during 1950 to 2005. Annual observations of GDP and construction sector are taken from Handbook of Statistics of Kenya Economy, 2005 and dissimilar issues of Economic Survey of Kenya. Table 3 Descriptive statistics LCNS LGDP Mean 8. 605299 11. 98993 Median 8. 996238 1 1. 90110 maximum 11. 87699 15. 62865 Minimum 4. 976734 9. 126524 Std. Dev. 2. 184803 2. 082374 Skewness -0. 140903 0. 195506 Kurtosis 1. 651252 1. 664931Jarque-Bera 4. 429918 4. 515697 Probability 0. 109158 0. 104575 Observations 56 Apparently as the government is gear to enhance rural development in its development agenda, the construction industry faces the scare off task to be part of the development philosophy. The construction industry has to ensure that it has the condenser to deliver development projects as per the involve of the government and in the time case specified. Many a development projects are in the pipeline, most notable, road projects, schools, natural law and teachers houses, boreholes, among many others.The construction industry would add value to the countrys development agenda through supremacyfully childbed the said projects. Certainly, the construction industry loses credibility, effrontery and reputation in the eyes of the publics if projects it u ndertakes do not live to the expectations of the people. The governments rural development project could except spur the growth of indigenous construction companies which will in the end trickle-down economic benefits to the country and the citizens.The mushrooming of indigenous construction firms with condenser to handle large scale jobs will save the country from losing forex as most projects will be handled locally, hence requiring no need for forex to pay international construction firm. This could certainly write a new chapter in the history of the construction industry in the country. As the small construction firms will be developing they will certainly be competing for construction jobs in other countries within Africa and possibly beyond. This could make the construction industry a reliable partner in bringing into the country the required forex.The exposure of the construction industry abroad could as well play the ambassadorial role of marketing services that Malawi can offer in Africa and beyond. 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